Monday, January 13, 2020

The Night Tiger by Yangsze Choo


The Night Tiger by Yangsze Choo


 This book is unique, in a good way. The story set in a very real place, with assumably fictional characters, in a dream like story line, that make up a love story and murder mystery. I loved the play of numbers and words intertwined with one's current life line and their fate. Alternating between a young woman and a young boy that are on very different and yet merging paths. I could see some of the twists and others I couldn't which made for an enjoyable experience. I'm not sharing too much about the story as the experience of reading this book deserves to be with an untainted mind.

Mysteries aren't typically what I read, though I thoroughly enjoyed this one. Yangsze Choo's writing is engaging. She provides the reader with a show. The setting of this story was beautiful, even when the plot created scenes that were less palatable.
Favorite Quote:

“One of the appalling yet convenient things about being family is that you can trade accusations at night, then pretend next morning that nothing has happened.”

Historical Fiction, Mystery, Magical Realism, Fantasy

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